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Becoming pregnant

-4 weeks


Before you become pregnant it is important to think about your lifestyle. Things like being overweight, smoking and alcohol have an effect on your ability to conceive and your unborn child. Please complete the questionnaire on zwanger wijzer and determine which factors you can improve before stopping your birth control. For more information on a healthy lifestyle, please have a look on our own website or the gynaecologist website (Dutch).

Harmful substances
You regularly come into contact with chemicals on a daily basis. These substances can be endocrine disruptors. If you're pregnant, it's important to be mindful of chemical substances. Your baby is sensitive to these outside influences. Not all chemicals are harmful. It depends on the type of substance and the amount you are exposed to.

You should try to avoid contact with the following substances as much as possible:
- nail polish remover with acetone
- paint with turpentine
- hair dye
- airborne chemicals from, for example, new carpeting or a newly painted wall
- pesticides
- chemicals (such as photo-developing fluids)
- products containing plasticizers. Plasticizers make hard plastic and rubber flexible and pliable, as in certain toys or nail polish.

source: de

Stopping birth control

Depending on which type of birth control you are using, it can take some time before your menstrual cycle is back to normal.  It can be beneficial to wait two menstrual periods after stopping birth control, before trying to conceive. It will provide a clearer picture of when you are likely to be fertile.  Remember to start taking folic acid before stopping your birth control. If it takes longer than 6 months for your menstrual cycle to be back to normal (after stopping birth control) please speak to your doctor.


Some medication should be decreased over time or be changed to an alternative before becoming pregnant. Discuss with your doctor if any medication you are taking is still ok if you are trying to conceive.  

Fertile days

With most women ovulation takes place 2 weeks before the next expected menstrual period. The days just before ovulation are your fertile days.  An ovulation test helps to determine your fertile days more accurately. Various apps are available to help calculate your menstrual cycle and fertile days. Click here (Dutch) for more information.

Chances of conception are improved by having intercourse every 2 or 3 days during the 6 days before ovulation. 

When you are trying to conceive it is important to make a note of the first day of your menstrual period. With the aid of this information you can calculate how far along you are in your pregnancy and an approximate due date.

Folic acid

In the meantime start taking folic acid if you are trying to conceive. This can be purchased from a chemist or pharmacy. It is recommended to start doing this at least 4 weeks before your planned pregnancy. Continue to take folic acid for at least 10 weeks into your pregnancy. Folic acid reduces the chance of neural tube defects in the baby. If you are already pregnant but have not yet started taking folic acid, no panic but please do this as soon as possible.

Questions about conceiving consultation

If you have questions about becoming pregnant, then you are of course more than welcome to book an appointment for this by speaking to our assistant. Please note: once you have booked the appointment please complete the questionnaire on and email results to With these answers the midwife will able to prepare better for the consultation.  

Problems with conceiving?

Have you been trying to conceive for a year but have been unsuccessful? Please speak to your doctor about this. If you are 38 or older, speak to your doctor before trying to conceive. It is also advisable to speak to your doctor if you have stopped your birth control 6 months ago and your menstrual cycle has not gone back to normal yet.

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