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Breast and bottle feeding

Your own choice. Choose what is comfortable for you.
Scientific research shows that breastfeeding is the best way to feed your newborn baby. Breast milk contains antibodies which protect your baby from infections. Also, breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from allergies and often have a higher resistance. It also reduces the risk of cot death.

Despite these advantages, breast feeding is not the most obvious choice for everyone. Based on either medical or personal reasons, breast feeding may not be an option; bottle feeding is a good alternative. What we find especially important is that you choose a way of feeding that you and your baby feel comfortable with!

Click here for more information about feeding choices for your baby.


If you choose breastfeeding, it is advisable to learn more about it during your pregnancy. Research shows that breastfeeding is most successful when you prepare yourself with relevant information. Lactation consultants ‘Borstvoeding en Meer’ /‘Breastfeeding and more’ host monthly breastfeeding classes. Advice is also available from a variety of hospitals. If you prefer, there are books about breastfeeding also. A very useful book for example; ‘De Melkfabriek’/“The Milk Factory” (Dutch) (see below at Leaflets and Links).

It is good to involve your partner in the preparation, for example by going to the information evening together. You will both learn useful tips and he will be able to help with getting the baby to latch on. He can also help with feeding if there is no maternity care present (e.g. at night) In addition, research has shown that a partner can influence the success or failure of breastfeeding.

Lactation consultant

Lactation consultants specialize in breastfeeding and everything else involved. Breastfeeding sometimes means perseverance (especially during the first week). In some cases you will need some extra help to prepare well for breastfeeding. A discussion with the lactation consultant is then the answer. Most health insurers cover the cost for these. We work a lot with lactation consultants from Borstvoeding en Meer / Breastfeeding and more.

If this is not your first baby and you have experienced problems with breastfeeding before, arranging an appointment with the consultant during your pregnancy may be a good idea. Together you will discuss your breastfeeding wishes and compose a clear plan for the upcoming maternity period. This saves time and stress during your maternity week.

Buy a breast pump?

It is not necessary to buy a breast pump during pregnancy. If a breast pump is required during the first week after the birth, then the pumps you can buy are not strong enough. We will always recommend hiring a breast pump via the lactation consultant or from the thuiszorgwinkel. Once breastfeeding is going well after the initial maternity week, you can always buy a breast pump then.

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